Steem Developer Portal
PY: Get Delegations By User
How to get a list of active or expiring vesting delegations using Python.
Full, runnable src of Get Delegations By User can be downloaded as part of the PY tutorials repository.
In this tutorial we will explain and show you how to pull a list of both active and expiring vesting delegations from the Steem blockchain using the steem
class found within the steem-python library.
The Steem python library has a built-in function to pull information from the blockchain. We are using the get_vesting_delegations
and get_expiring_vesting_delegations
methods found within the steem
class in the library. Each of these functions are executed separately. It should be noted that when a delegation is cancelled the VESTS will only be available again after 7 days. The value of the delegation can also be changed at any time, either decreased or increased. To get active delegations we need the following parameters:
- account - The user account that the delegation list is being queried for
- from-account - The account name from where to start the search. This parameter can be left empty to pull a list from the first delegatee
- limit - The maximum amount of delegations that will be returned by the query
The function to query the expiring delegations use the the same parameters except that the start_account
is replaced by a start_date
. If this value is greater than 7 days from present, it will always include all delegations that are pending expiration.
- App setup - Library install and import. Connection to production
- User input - Input user and limit parameters
- Delegation lists - Selection of the type of list and blockchain query
1. App setup
In this tutorial we use 2 package:
- steem-python library and interaction with Blockchainpick
- helps select the query type interactively
We import the libraries and connect to the production
from pick import pick
from steem import Steem
import pprint
client = Steem()
is used to print the query results in an easier to read format
2. User input
The account
and limit
parameters are assigned via input from the console/terminal. We also check if the username provided does in fact exist on the blockchain using the get_account
method also found within the steem
class. This will return an null value if the name does not exist.
#capture username
username = input('Username: ')
#check username
result = client.get_account(username)
if not result:
print('Invalid username')
#capture list limit
limit = input('Max number of vesting delegations to display: ')
3. Delegation lists
We use two different functions to query active and expiring delegations, so the user is given a choice on which of these lists he wants to view.
#list type
title = 'Please choose the type of list: '
options = ['Active Vesting Delegations', 'Expiring Vesting Delegations']
#get index and selected list name
option, index = pick(options, title)
print('\n' + 'List of ' + option + ': ' + '\n')
Based on the result of the choice, the relevant blockchain query is executed and the result of the query displayed on the console/terminal.
if option=='Active Vesting Delegations' :
#active delegations
delegations = client.get_vesting_delegations(username, '', limit)
if len(delegations) == 0:
print('No ' + option)
#expiring delegations
delegations = client.get_expiring_vesting_delegations(username, "2018-01-01T00:00:00", limit)
if len(delegations) == 0:
print('No ' + option)
For both the queries the starting points were defined in such a way as to include all available data but this can be changed depending on the user requirements.
That’s it!
To Run the tutorial
- review dev requirements
- clone this repo
cd tutorials/29_get_delegations_by_user
pip install -r requirements.txt
- After a few moments, you should see a prompt for input in terminal screen.