Steem Developer Portal

Setting Up a Testnet
“Quick-start” for deploying a Steem-based Testnet.
Running a testnet is ideal for application developers who want to verify their app without broadcasting signed transactions over the mainnet. It’s also a great way for blockchain developers to verify changes to the blockchain and can allow witnesses to get a preview of changes that they are expected to approve.
Setting up a testnet can be as simple as running a single Docker command, such as:
docker run -d -P inertia/tintoy:latest
This docker command is useful for rapid testnet deploy because it only creates 2,000 accounts.
But in this tutorial, we will go over the no docker approach which will create all accounts that exist on mainnet. The idea is to try to mirror the accounts and balances in proportion to the mainnet.
If you want full details on setting up a testnet using Tinman, head over to that github:
Otherwise, let’s do the complete Quick Start:
- Minimum Requirements
- Installing Tinman
- Building
- Snapshot
- Configure Tinman
- Actions
- Configure Bootstrap Node
- Bootstrap Node
- Configure Seed Node
- Seed Node
- Gatling (Optional)
- Troubleshooting
Minimum Requirements
This tutorial assumes Ubuntu Server 18.04 LTS 2GB RAM and 200GB SSD/HDD.
Running a testnet can be done on minimal hardware, but in order to build a snapshot of accounts, you should already be running your own local Steem node because getting the snapshot is time consuming and if this process is interrupted, you’ll have to start over.
Not only are we going to use tinman
to build the snapshot, we also need to compile steemd
and configure it to run our testnet.
Installing Tinman
First, we need python (for tinman
) and some other libraries:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
sudo apt-get install virtualenv python3 libyajl-dev git pv
virtualenv -p $(which python3) ~/ve/tinman
source ~/ve/tinman/bin/activate
mkdir -p ~/src
cd ~/src
git clone --branch master
cd tinman
pip install pipenv
pipenv install
pip install .
Building steemd
Next, let’s build steemd
. Note, we are using the develop
branch but you can use whatever branch you want. To see a list of branches that are currently being worked on, refer to:
sudo apt-get install autoconf automake autotools-dev bsdmainutils \
build-essential cmake doxygen gdb libboost-all-dev libreadline-dev \
libssl-dev libtool liblz4-tool ncurses-dev pkg-config python3-dev \
python3-pip nginx fcgiwrap awscli gdb libgflags-dev libsnappy-dev zlib1g-dev \
libbz2-dev liblz4-dev libzstd-dev
cd ~/src
git clone --branch develop
cd steem
git submodule update --init --recursive
mkdir -p build
cd build
cmake \
mkdir -p ~/opt/$STEEM_NAME
make -j$(nproc) install
A note on steemd
branches: Selecting a branch depends on why you’re running a testnet. If you are doing blockchain development, you’re likely going to select your own branch where you’ve done some work that needs to be verified. If you’re a witness, you’re likely going to select develop
or master
to check stability. If you’re an application developer, you should probably select the stable
branch because you want to test your app more than test the blockchain. Application developers might also select develop
to try out blockchain features that have not been released yet.
The snapshot is a copy of all accounts on the blockchain plus some other properties. Having a full snapshot allows tinman
to create a more realistic testnet. Here’s how we generate a snapshot:
cd ~/src/tinman
source ~/ve/tinman/bin/activate
tinman snapshot -s http://mainnet-steem-node:8090 | pv -l > snapshot.json
In the above example, we assume that http://mainnet-steem-node:8090
is our Steem node on our local network. If you use a public node to build the snapshot.json
file instead (not recommended), just remember that this process could take quite a while and can be interrupted or rate-limited. You should consider running your own node.
As of September 2019, assuming the Steem mainnet node is local, this process takes approximately 15 minutes to produce a 3 GB output file.
Configure Tinman
We can take all of the defaults in txgen.conf.example
, assuming you named your snapshot snapshot.json
cd ~/src/tinman
cp txgen.conf.example txgen.conf
We can optionally adjust total_port_balance
to adjust the supply on the testnet. But keep in mind, there is a blockchain limit defined by STEEM_INIT_SUPPLY
Now that we have our snapshot.json
file, we can generate the actions that will build our testnet.
cd ~/src/tinman
source ~/ve/tinman/bin/activate
tinman txgen -c txgen.conf -o bootstrap-init.actions
Building the actions is pure data-processing that doesn’t communicate with the outside world. It only processes the JSON snapshot and config file into more JSON. As of September 2019, this process takes approximately 90 minutes to produce a 2 GB output file.
Configure Bootstrap Node
At the startup banner, press ^C
(Ctrl+C) to exit steemd
. As a side effect, a default data-dir is created. Now we can purge the empty blockchain and create config.ini
as follows:
rm -Rf $BOOTSTRAP/blockchain
nano $BOOTSTRAP/config.ini
Then make the following changes to the generated config.ini
- Enable plugins
chain debug_node p2p webserver block_api chain_api database_api debug_node_api network_broadcast_api
- Pick a random port for p2p, say
- Edit
down, say12G
- Pick a random port for
and setwebserver-ws-endpoint
to the next-highest port.
To summarize, the changed values are:
plugin = chain debug_node p2p webserver block_api chain_api database_api debug_node_api network_broadcast_api
shared-file-size = 12G
p2p-endpoint =
webserver-http-endpoint =
webserver-ws-endpoint =
Save config.ini
and start steemd
Bootstrap Node
Note, the secret can be any string. In this tutorial, we are using new-steem-rocks
as the secret. Keep in mind that any person with knowledge of the secret will be able to transact using any account on your testnet.
cd ~/src/tinman
source ~/ve/tinman/bin/activate
( \
echo '["set_secret", {"secret":"new-steem-rocks"}]' ; \
cat bootstrap-init.actions \
) | \
tinman keysub --get-dev-key $GET_DEV_KEY | \
tinman submit -t \
-f die \
--timeout 600
The above command will send bootstrap-init.actions
to the bootstrap node using “fastgen” (as rapidly as possible). Fastgen functionality is provided by debug_node_api
. Without fastgen, this process would take 3 seconds per 40 action (by default).
Configure Seed Node
Once the bootstrap is complete and we no longer need fastgen to import actions, we can start a new testnet node without debug_node_api
. For simplicity, this new seed node will also run our initial witnesses for block signing.
We need to keep the Bootstrap Node running, so do the following in a new shell session:
$STEEMD --data-dir=$SEED
Again, at the startup banner, press ^C
(Ctrl+C) to exit steemd
rm -Rf $SEED/blockchain
nano $SEED/config.ini
Then make the following changes to the generated config.ini
- Enable plugins
chain p2p webserver witness database_api network_broadcast_api block_api
- Pick the Bootstrap ip/port for p2p-seed-node
- Pick a new port for p2p, say
- Edit
down, say24G
- Pick a new random port for
and setwebserver-ws-endpoint
to the next-highest port. - Enable stale block production with
enable-stale-production = true
- Set required participation with
required-participation = 0
- Add whitelist for RC with
rc-account-whitelist = porter tnman
- TODO research:
rc-skip-reject-not-enough-rc = true
Now we need to add the names of all of the witnesses:
for N in $(seq 0 21)
echo "witness = \"init-$N\"" >> $SEED/config.ini
Add their private keys as well, note we are assuming the secret is new-steem-rocks
for this tutorial:
for K in $($GET_DEV_KEY new-steem-rocks block-init-0:21 | cut -d '"' -f 4)
echo "private-key = $K" >> $SEED/config.ini
To summarize, the changed and new values are:
plugin = chain p2p webserver witness database_api network_broadcast_api block_api
shared-file-size = 24G
p2p-seed-node =
p2p-endpoint =
webserver-http-endpoint =
webserver-ws-endpoint =
enable-stale-production = true
required-participation = 0
rc-account-whitelist = porter tnman
rc-skip-reject-not-enough-rc = true
witness = "init-0"
witness = "init-1"
witness = "init-2"
witness = "init-3"
witness = "init-4"
witness = "init-5"
witness = "init-6"
witness = "init-7"
witness = "init-8"
witness = "init-9"
witness = "init-10"
witness = "init-11"
witness = "init-12"
witness = "init-13"
witness = "init-14"
witness = "init-15"
witness = "init-16"
witness = "init-17"
witness = "init-18"
witness = "init-19"
witness = "init-20"
witness = "init-21"
private-key = 5JDt8ydrkcr1DpgKychydc3iHYLAkHAw4gvKNTuqAFhd71tj6ZQ
private-key = 5KcCrHxKAMJ9kzLzkELSxJBuC2D7sTeab4Ne9SksLkacBFic5pj
private-key = 5J6RRNLd8LcL2ZuHGzKFukc4EqhvgHWRkMQHjnQCz528ubL27Y8
private-key = 5HqwZyAenu16JV4GLHDdKAXGprdGpAqLGZ6ryK1s3rmkUYxRMSv
private-key = 5Kg6doMKYJyPqgc6Xq6qXmGdLBfZATEGoTLWpWuAGvGHUtABWH2
private-key = 5Hw7B3vVSg3mMiRBXie8AUmTphJTThA6trDjQ4M36vU77Xodz8g
private-key = 5KUZUiLHqHj9Yd37EEqrj4QHmuJqi4jc1Vhf8KhH7uxP2BwJFgL
private-key = 5Je57g7PartUHQi9k7pZMbZmBe4M1DvJPz6seC2hqcWLjauh9Jh
private-key = 5J9vVvc3kWBwuqwmN8veAmxXbGwndjVZCRuWZWnLdo19Xa5eLZQ
private-key = 5KGyprgawwQXcUDnEukfRdc6QZpwdp8Y8DNswPBd9kNApHuFWbC
private-key = 5J6Jw9cn1ikkstG2NTMt116Ugg7RnsQd4DziiUsAgXVoRqdkGKD
private-key = 5Jt3EZnPoeWvG1Not9tNZ32MornR7Np6v2RAv1c4hwHbgJ1bQPr
private-key = 5KBCLqV2RPwoaUFhFjVwz4Jfq9WzMVVFDxvaeW7ZC6v1PKVZdRU
private-key = 5KaqFR7dbkhFAs5qZ63wjiXZSDviaRkDoE216v889hQoxwwHUsB
private-key = 5JQdnLjjdVMBdNwBgHHEKsUtXirXGdUfJZhVqUBsxCs3Ubn7dcq
private-key = 5K5puF2p8M5svXRGuJqCjwSk1Z41MZ5GtqCktSSX5vhFSWffy3r
private-key = 5Jno5L7jYMxQVehuGy2kAM9rtCdkRyrk97eokMzLro1Rm8CUDUx
private-key = 5KPEWXQnipNHaKaWjjKQ3K3yF5e22eFhu9ozALPhtGaBAfUxckp
private-key = 5JMcAJkWv9Nvy5Pt9vBZmzTymHxrmKgYXB6ekSF9sBgMHyYE2TC
private-key = 5JksFmSJLrFyq3YzdvRWcWzbqKQv4vrFaNEg8ix2zwCmR9JeTW3
private-key = 5JrMAjLaM48dwBco5khuB6FuGasaSxWenwbpqEBL6u4bqTtBgYY
Save config.ini
and start steemd
$STEEMD --data-dir=$SEED
At this point, our Seed Node will sync blocks from the Bootstrap Node.
Seed Node
Once the Seed Node has caught up to the Bootstrap Node, it’s safe to shut down the Bootstrap Node. The Seed Node will now take over block production.
Congratulations! Your testnet is running!
Gatling (Optional)
If you’d like your testnet to mirror mainnet transactions as they happen, you should run the gatling module. Make sure your Seed Node is fully sync’d before running gatling. Also make sure you use the same secret.
cd ~/src/tinman
source ~/ve/tinman/bin/activate
cp gatling.conf.example gatling.conf
( \
echo '["set_secret", {"secret":"new-steem-rocks"}]' ; \
tinman gatling -c gatling.conf -f 0 -t 0 -o - | tinman prefixsub \
) | \
tinman keysub --get-dev-key $GET_DEV_KEY | \
tinman submit --realtime -t \
--timeout 600 \
--fail /dev/null
Problem: Got an error while trying to compile steemd
c++: internal compiler error: Killed (program cc1plus)
virtual memory exhausted: Cannot allocate memory
Solution: Add more memory or enable swap.
To enable swap (do not enable swap on a VPS like Digital Ocean):
sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/var/swap.img bs=1024k count=4000
sudo chmod 600 /var/swap.img
sudo mkswap /var/swap.img
sudo swapon /var/swap.img
Problem: Got an error while trying to create bootstrap-init.actions
ijson.common.IncompleteJSONError: b'parse error: premature EOF
Solution: Re-run tinman snapshot
in the Snapshot section. The snapshot was likely interrupted or you ran out of disk space while saving the snapshot. It’s also possible you were rate-limited, if you’re using a public node, which is one of the pitfalls of using a public node.