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Understanding Dynamic Global Properties

Maintains global state information


Dynamic Global Properties represents a set of values that are calculated during normal chain operations and reflect the current values of global blockchain properties.

The API returns an object containing information that changes every block interval such as the head block number, the total vesting fund, etc.



Removed in 0.20.6, see: #3029

Average block size is updated every block to be: average_block_size = (99 * average_block_size + new_block_size) / 100. This property is used to update the current_reserve_ratio to maintain approximately * 50% or less utilization of network capacity.


Total asset held in confidential balances.


Total asset held in confidential balances.


The current absolute slot number. Equal to the total number of slots since genesis. Also equal to the total number of missed slots plus head_block_number.


Removed in 0.20.6, see: #3029

Any time average_block_size <= 50% maximum_block_size this value grows by 1 until it reaches STEEM_MAX_RESERVE_RATIO. Any time average_block_size is greater than 50% it falls by 1%. Upward adjustments happen once per round, downward adjustments happen every block.


SBD currently in existence.


STEEM currently in existence.


Account name of the current witness.


Used by a separate downvote pool that is a percentage of the max size of the voting mana. Downvotes will be taken from the downvote pool first, and then the upvote pool once the downvote pool has been consumed. The downvote pool will follow the same rules as the upvote pool, regenerating over five days and filling instantly and proportionally to new Steem Power and delegations.

See: #3336, #3344


Used to implement TaPoS (Transaction as Proof of Stake). The first 4 bytes (8 hex digits) of the block ID represents the block number. E.g., 01709398 in hex is 24155032 in decimal.

See: RIPEMD-160 hashes


Block height at the head of the blockchain. This represents the latest block produced by witnesses.


Used to compute payments for every proposal.

See: blocktradesdevs/steem#7, sps_fund


The latest block number that has been confirmed by two thirds of all block producers and is thus irreversible.


Removed in 0.20.6, see: #3029

The maximum bandwidth the blockchain can support is max_bandwidth = maximum_block_size * STEEM_BANDWIDTH_AVERAGE_WINDOW_SECONDS / STEEM_BLOCK_INTERVAL; The maximum virtual bandwidth is: max_bandwidth * current_reserve_ratio


Maximum block size is decided by the set of active witnesses which change every round. Each witness posts what they think the maximum size should be as part of their witness properties, the median size is chosen to be the maximum block size for the round.

Note: the minimum value for maximum_block_size is defined by the protocol to prevent the network from getting stuck by witnesses attempting to set this too low.


Used to compute payments for every proposal.

See: blocktradesdevs/steem#7, sps_fund


The current count of how many pending POW witnesses there are, determines the difficulty of doing pow.

See: #770


Used to compute witness participation.


Used to compute witness participation.


The size of the block that is partitioned for actions. Required actions can only be delayed if they take up more than this amount. More can be included, but are not required. Block generation should only include transactions up to maximum_block_size - required_actions_parition_size to ensure required actions are not delayed when they should not be.


Curation reverse auction duration.

See: #1874


This property defines the interest rate that SBD deposits receive.


Start reducing printing of SBD at n% marketcap.

See: #2140


Stop printing SBD at n% marketcap.

See: #2140


The number of votes regenerated per day (over STEEM_VOTING_MANA_REGENERATION_SECONDS). Any user voting slower than this rate will be “wasting” voting power through spillover; any user voting faster than this rate will have their votes reduced.

See: #1252, #1411


Point in time (UTC) that the block was included in the chain.

Used to synchronize events like Hard Fork activation.

When attempting to calculate the validity of a transaction we need to lookup a past block and check its block hash and the time it occurred so we can calculate whether the current transaction is valid and at what time it should expire.

For new transactions, expirations originate from this time.


The total POW accumulated, aka the sum of num_pow_witness at the time new POW is added.

See: #770


STEEM available in the reward pool.


Now deprecated way to get the number of shares in the pool.

Use condenser_api.get_reward_fund instead.


Now deprecated way to get STEEM that is invested in STEEM POWER (powered up).

Use condenser_api.get_reward_fund instead.


VESTS that are invested in STEEM POWER (powered up).


The virtual supply is the supply of all STEEM + all SBD if all SBD were converted to STEEM at the current median price.


The number of votes regenerated per day. Any user voting slower than this rate will be “wasting” voting power through spillover; any user voting faster than this rate will have their votes reduced.

See: #1252, #1411

Not Covered

Fields not covered in this recipe are:

Example Method Call

To retrieve the current results for condenser_api.get_dynamic_global_properties, we can retrieve the current state information using curl:

curl -s --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0", "method":"condenser_api.get_dynamic_global_properties", "params":[], "id":1}'

Example Output

      "virtual_supply":"283434761.199 STEEM",
      "current_supply":"271729171.190 STEEM",
      "confidential_supply":"0.000 STEEM",
      "current_sbd_supply":"15498201.173 SBD",
      "confidential_sbd_supply":"0.000 SBD",
      "total_vesting_fund_steem":"192913644.627 STEEM",
      "total_vesting_shares":"391296886352.617261 VESTS",
      "total_reward_fund_steem":"0.000 STEEM",
      "init_sbd_supply":"7000000.000 TBD",
      "pending_rewarded_vesting_shares":"379159224.860656 VESTS",
      "pending_rewarded_vesting_steem":"185294.019 STEEM",
      "sps_interval_ledger":"15.162 TBD",